The kitchen is a great place to weave together!

I am committed to...

... Donate part of the profits from each cooking class to two Brussels non-profit organisations that I know very well.

The associations SINGA and NATIVITAS each work on social inclusion in their own way, in particular through food-related projects. They both do incredible work on a daily basis for isolated, destitute, immigrant or refugee people.

My commitment amounts to 5€ per cooking course ONLINE and 30€ for the courses for companies IN FLESH AND BONE.

and a big THANK YOU for making all this possible!



SINGA creates meeting spaces between newcomers and locals through sports, cultural and culinary activities, pairs and cohabitation!  

SINGA means "link" in Lingala :) They are today an international movement present in 8 countries and with more than 30,000 members.

  • By donating 30€, you allow 10 people to participate for free in a SINGA cooking workshop.

  • By donating 60€, you allow 20 people to participate free of charge in a SINGA cooking workshop.

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Nativitas is a day centre in the heart of the Marolles in 1000 Brussels. It offers services that meet the basic needs of destitute, isolated, immigrant and refugee, homeless and undocumented individuals and families... It offers hot meals, food parcels, showers, cloakrooms, socio-legal permanence, French courses, various workshops, cultural outings and even transit accommodation...

  • By donating 2€, you allow 1 person to eat a complete hot meal (soup, dish, dessert, coffee) for free.

  • By donating 5€, you allow a family to receive 10 free food parcels for 6 people.

  • By donating 30€, you allow 10 people to participate for free in a NATIVITAS cooking workshop.